
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Watch Smasher Argument [A Better Explanation]_Crimson Publishers

 The Watch Smasher Argument [A Better Explanation] by Mister SA in Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal “Occam’s Razor is a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantity”. [1] Merriam Webster Dictionary, in other words, Occam’s razor says that, of two explanations that account for all the facts, the simpler one is more likely to be correct. “The greatest disorder of the intellect is to believe things because one wishes they were so” [2] Louis Pasteur, 1875. Supposing a man finds a watch. Deliberately or by accident the man smashes the watch to smithereens. The watch is reduced to particles. The man bashes the resultant particles with all his might, sets them on fire, drowns them in water, throws them to the wind, throws them into a volcano, launches them i