Challenges in Managing Metaplastic Breast Cancer-Referencing an Indexed Case and a Ten-Year Experience in a Developing Country by Jacinta Bisnath in Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal


Metaplastic breast cancer is rare and aggressive, accounting for only 0.2% of all breast cancers with a survival ranging from 40-65%. A recent case from our institution posed many diagnostic and management challenges prompting a review of our local ten-year experience with this cancer and a review of the literature to compare the behaviour of this cancer in a developing country and considering guidelines for management.

The incidence is higher with what appears to be a better prognosis in our patient population. Early diagnosis and treatment may be responsible for the apparent better outcome in our patient population. Successful treatment consists of surgery, radiotherapy and with comparable results from both breast conservation and modified radical mastectomy. Preoperative biopsy does not usually yield the correct diagnosis so most patients undergo axillary node dissection even though the mode of spread is supposed to be primarily hematogenous.

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