Dissecting the Reduced Ovarian Reserve Seen with Ovarian Enometriomas with That Caused by Surgical Excision of Ovarian Enometriomas- What Comes First_ Crimson Publishers

Dissecting the Reduced Ovarian Reserve Seen with Ovarian Enometriomas with That Caused by Surgical Excision of Ovarian Enometriomas- What Comes First by Kulvinder Kochar Kaur*, Gautam Allahbadia and Mandeep Singh in Crimson Publishers: Journal of Surgical Medicine
There have been concerns raised regarding the possibility of surgical excision of the endometrioma causing damage to the ovarian reserve. Three recent systematic reviews reported a decrease in serum anti mullerian hormone (AMH) levels as compared to preoperative levels after endometrioma excision [1- 3]. But very recently Muzli et al. [4], gave a meta-analysis on the peripheral levels of AMH in women having ovarian endometriomas. In contrast to earlier met-analyses they reported lower levels of AMH as compared to controls and in women having any other ovarian cysts which suggests that what is reported following surgery, the damage to the ovarian reserve, may at least in part be present before any intervention. Although these results might answer a lot of unresolved questions, they need to be interpreted using some caution.

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