
Showing posts from December, 2019

Art Therapy in Neurocognitive Disorders: Why the Arts Matter in Brain Health_ Crimson Publishers

Art Therapy in Neurocognitive Disorders: Why the Arts Matter in Brain Health by Angel C Duncan* in Crimson Publishers: Annals of Medicine and Surgery Art has been in existence since mankind. From cave paintings to modern day society, art has been used as to tell a story, document history and provide a voice when words have become lost. We would not have the knowledge of our past had it not been for art. Medically and psychologically, art is often used for self-expression, to find an inner release and explore the process of creativity through physical and emotional pain and healing. For persons with neurocognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), where memory, judgement, and reasoning are disrupted, art has been able to unlock memories thought to be lost, improve behaviors i.e. agitation, depression, and give insight into what the person may be feeling or thinking. Take for example famed artist, Willem de Kooning, some art experts may argue his brilliance as an a

Cognitive Apprenticeship Appropriate Surgical Education for Countries with Limited Resources_ Crimson Publishers

Cognitive Apprenticeship Appropriate Surgical Education for Countries with Limited Resources by Lowell L Lewis and Nicholas A Kerna* in Crimson Publishers: Surgery Open Access Journal The role of surgical education in the prevention and management of surgical disorders remains an important topic for study. In the absence of sufficient resources, developing countries struggle to meet the growing demands for adequate surgical services. People living in remote and underdeveloped areas, lacking modern medical facilities, are at significant risk for increased morbidity and mortality. To ameliorate this dilemma requires the identification and implementation of educational programs and curricula that provide training and experience that can be provided in remote communities. Governments of countries with limited resources must identify, retain, and develop methods of surgical practice and education that will result in adequate care to surgical patients , particularly those living in remo

A Case Report of Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia Combined with Bilateral Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia_ Crimson Publishers

A Case Report of Bilateral Trigeminal Neuralgia Combined with Bilateral Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia by Ahmed N Ghanem* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor The patient was a 63-year-old-aged female, who experienced 7 years of bilateral cheek and oropharyngeal burning and stabbing pain. Touching the mouth and bilateral throat or swallowing could provoke the pain. Each episode of pain lasted a few seconds to a few minutes, and in severe cases could last for hours. Oral administration of carbamazepine and radiofrequency treatment before hospitalization had only poor effects. We diagnosed the patient as bilateral trigeminal neuralgia combined with bilateral glossopharyngeal neuralgia. After hospitalization, brain MRI examination was performed and did not reveal any occupational lesions. The bilateral pain of pharyngeal pain disappeared after the treatment of 1% butanocaine respectively, and this confirmed the diagnosis of bilateral glossopharyngeal neural

Improving Outcome for the Elderly Surgical Patients in a Singapore Teaching Hospital_ Crimson Publishers

Improving Outcome for the Elderly Surgical Patients in a Singapore Teaching Hospital by Si Ching Lim*, Peter Chow, Peter CL Chow, Fuyin Li, Swee Sim Hiew, Lau Soy Soy and Zhang Di in Crimson Publishers: Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal The elderly patients admitted under surgery have longer lengths of stay and develop multiple complications during their hospital stay particularly with delirium, medical complications and functional decline. A Geriatrician’s input was helpful to identify incident and postop delirium early and put in measures to improve outcome, together with better nursing care and pharmacist’s input to reduce harm from medications. For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers Please click on: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Follow on Publons: