Cognitive Apprenticeship Appropriate Surgical Education for Countries with Limited Resources_ Crimson Publishers

Cognitive Apprenticeship Appropriate Surgical Education for Countries with Limited Resources by Lowell L Lewis and Nicholas A Kerna* in Crimson Publishers: Surgery Open Access Journal
The role of surgical education in the prevention and management of surgical disorders remains an important topic for study. In the absence of sufficient resources, developing countries struggle to meet the growing demands for adequate surgical services. People living in remote and underdeveloped areas, lacking modern medical facilities, are at significant risk for increased morbidity and mortality. To ameliorate this dilemma requires the identification and implementation of educational programs and curricula that provide training and experience that can be provided in remote communities. Governments of countries with limited resources must identify, retain, and develop methods of surgical practice and education that will result in adequate care to surgical patients, particularly those living in remote communities who do not have access to current standards of care. The primary objective of this paper is to document and share educational and management activities that may have a constructive impact on lessening the global burden of diseases and conditions requiring surgery; also, in promoting a surgical care approach that is affordable and can be applied in various ways to obtain favorable results in countries with limited resources.

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