Beating Round the Bush! _ Crimson Publishers

Beating Round the Bush! By Ahmed N Ghanem* in Crimson Publishers: Journal of Surgery and Medicine

Having read with interest Richard Smith’s editorial based on the BMJ survey and the lively debates on “Why are doctors so unhappy?” [1], one wonders if the roots of the problem and its solution remain overlooked while all are just beating round the bush. What has been said so far may have just succeeded in identifying the ill effects and manifestations of the problem: unhappy sick profession and discontented public with a falling apart MOH that was once one of the prides of the British system.

I believe all doctors owe it to a single man who has identified and addressed the real problem. So, I am asking all: “Hats off, please, and bow to this man” Professor Fischer et al. [2] who has the courage to tell the bitter truth about the current status of medicine in USA. He has not only given a personal perspective but also an inside witness’s account that audit the system of “Phase 1 managed care”, marking the historical demise of such a failure system that succeeded in nothing but making such unhappy profession and discontented public worldwide.

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