Modern Medicine and Surgery: Physics and War_ Crimson Publishers

Modern Medicine and Surgery: Physics and War by Simon Raymond* in Crimson Publishers: Annals of Medicine and Surgery
This publication discusses recent research by the current author. There are both aspects of research in that some is able to be viewed as clinically relevant already such as the new generation immunization program (References ) and the need to check mind related programs (Example I) that have occurred during the war type climate to ensure they provide the quality information that medical research funding agencies expect when used on the description of medical research. and some is in some ways futuristic but still able to be understood as perhaps coming into clinical relevance including the increasing consideration of the need to distinguish a difference (and whether there is a difference) between micro-organism awareness and that of a macro-being and why it should (if it should) still be viewed as appropriate for doctors to use antimicrobials. Furthermore, protection measures in a clinical setting such as measuring the weight of patients to ensure that during the period of uncertainty there is the intention displayed to be treating a macro-being and only targeting micro-organisms in terms of the use of antimicrobials until it is better ascertained as to the topic above regarding clarity as to whether there is continued appropriateness in prescribing antimicrobials with a material difference to that of war and military type attacks on enemies.

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