Thinking About the Importance of and Developing Physician and Surgical Leaders_ Crimson Publishers

Thinking About the Importance of and Developing Physician and Surgical Leaders by Joe Doty* in Crimson Publishers: Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal

This is literally a thought piece for those interested in the future of medicine and healthcare. How often do medical school deans, department chairs, and program directors ask themselves: “How well are we doing in preparing our students, residents and fellows to be leaders in healthcare?” And if they are asking that question, what do they mean by leaders? Another way to ask the question is to consider how much of UME and GME prepares students and residents to be leaders in healthcare? And yes, again, what is meant by the word leaders? When we say leaders are, we looking for the most talented and gifted surgeon? Are we looking for the physician with the most publications or the most grants? Is a department chair a leader simply because they are a department chair?

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