
Showing posts from September, 2020

Duplex Collecting System of a Right Kidney With an Ectopic Ureter-A Case Report_Crimson Publishers

 Duplex Collecting System of a Right Kidney With an Ectopic Ureter-A Case Report by Chitra R* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor  Ureteral abnormalities represent a complex subset of urologic anomalies that manifest in many ways. Duplication of the ureters is a common anomaly and is frequently encountered by radiologists. Duplication may be either complete or incomplete and is often accompanied by various complications. Here, we report a case of the complete duplicated ureters with an ectopic ureteral opening in to the prostatic urethra in a male cadaver on the right side during routine educational dissection in the academic years (2017-2018) in our department of anatomy at Siddhartha medical college, Vijayawada. Imaging techniques to visualize the ureters are excretory urography and voiding cystourethrography, as well as ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. For

Hypertension and Dental Implants: A Review_Crimson Publishers

Hypertension and Dental Implants: A Review by Fotoula Nikolopoulou* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor The objectives of this study are to raise some questions in regard to the current literature, in order to study the correlation of hypertension to implant surgery . It also studies the association of hypertensive drugs with the survival or failure of dental implants . Only one study has been reported, which is associated with implant failure[0,6%] There were not many articles in this field. The findings from this recent review demonstrate that more investigation is needed concerning hypertension and failure or survival of dental implants. For more articles on crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Blogger Follow On Publons  :  ht

Pelvi-Acetabular Fixations_ My Worst-Case Scenarios and Lessons Learnt_Crimson Publishers

Pelvi-Acetabular Fixations_ My Worst-Case Scenarios and Lessons Learnt by Rakesh Bhargava* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor Pelvi-aetabular fixation is often complex and perilous. Some iatrogenic decisions or lack of them compounds the situation, posing great difficulties for the surgeon and poor outcomes for the patient. Learning by hindsight is what constitutes experience. Acknowledging your mistakes, though often tough, should not involve reluctance, and lessons learnt need to be passed on. For more articles on crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Blogger Follow On Publons  : Follow On Linkedin :

Primary Small Cell Breast Carcinoma-A Rare Diagnosis: Management Strategies and a Brief Literature Review_Crimson Publishers

Primary Small Cell Breast Carcinoma-A Rare Diagnosis: Management Strategies and a Brief Literature Review  by S  Jameel Ali * in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor Primary small cell breast carcinoma represents less than 1% of breast cancers. Due to its rarity, there are no uniformly accepted guidelines for treatment . Its prognosis is varied being generally regarded as worse than that of most breast cancers and it poses unique diagnostic challenges. We present a case of primary small cell breast cancer, rationale for our management strategies with reference to the published literature to serve as a guide to the management of this rare cancer of the breast. For more articles on crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Blogger Follow

Recurrent Inguinal Hernia as Richter’s Hernia_Crimson Publishers

Recurrent Inguinal Hernia as Richter’s Hernia by S Devaji Rao* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor   Richter’s hernia is relatively rare type of incarcerated hernia, in which a wall of the bowel alone is entrapped within a hernia sac, maintaining the bowel continuity. The clinical diagnosis of a Richter’s hernia is difficult, and a high index of suspicion is required to make a diagnosis .  An early operative intervention is essential for preventing life threatening complications. We present a Richter’s hernia in a recurrent inguinal hernia, which is extremely rare and only a few cases are reported in the literature [1]. For more articles on crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Blogger Follow On Publons  :

Is the Anatomy of External Anal Sphincter Fully Understood?_ Crimson Publishers

Is the Anatomy of External Anal Sphincter Fully Understood? by Gargi Soni* in  Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor The external anal sphincter is an elliptical cylinder of striated muscle that envelops the entire length of the inner tube of smooth muscle, but it ends slightly more distal than the internal anal sphincter. Knowledge of the exact anatomy of the anal sphincter complex is essential for management of pathology in this area. Many anatomical and radiological studies of the external anal sphincter have been conducted till date and yet there is no consistent and consensual description of EAS. For more articles on crimson publishers Please click on link: For more articles on Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal Please click on link: Blogger Follow On Publons  :