Duplex Collecting System of a Right Kidney With an Ectopic Ureter-A Case Report_Crimson Publishers

 Duplex Collecting System of a Right Kidney With an Ectopic Ureter-A Case Report by Chitra R* in Crimson Publishers: Open access journal of surgery impact factor

 Ureteral abnormalities represent a complex subset of urologic anomalies that manifest in many ways. Duplication of the ureters is a common anomaly and is frequently encountered by radiologists. Duplication may be either complete or incomplete and is often accompanied by various complications. Here, we report a case of the complete duplicated ureters with an ectopic ureteral opening in to the prostatic urethra in a male cadaver on the right side during routine educational dissection in the academic years (2017-2018) in our department of anatomy at Siddhartha medical college, Vijayawada. Imaging techniques to visualize the ureters are excretory urography and voiding cystourethrography, as well as ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging.


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