Laparoscopic Treatment of Celiac Axis Compression Syndrome-Dunbar Syndrome_Crimson Publishers

Laparoscopic Treatment of Celiac Axis Compression Syndrome-Dunbar Syndrome by Vladimir S in Surgical Medicine Open Access Journal

Dunbar syndrome or celiac artery compression syndrome was described for the first time by Harjola in 1963. It’s an infrequent clinical condition, with few criteria for diagnosis and with obscure pathophysiology. It is usually associated with an extrinsic compression upon the celiac axis near its takeoff from the aorta by fibrous diaphragmatic bands or sympathetic neural fibers. This syndrome is as uncommon cause for upper abdominal angina. The classic sympthoms include vomiting associated to pos prandial pain, weight loss and soufle in the epigastric region. Diagnosis is made by abdominal angiotomography, arteriography and magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical ligament release is indicated in case of severe compression of the celiac trunk or in patient’s refractory to clinical treatment [1].

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