
Showing posts from January, 2020

Modern IP Offences and the Medical Profession_ Crimson Publishers

Modern IP Offences and the Medical Profession by Simon Raymond* in Crimson Publishers: Open Access Peer Reviewed High Impact Factor journals IP offences have been recognized as perhaps the most important of offences in modern society. Current laws are able to deal with offences relating to plagiarism, copyright, and theft of IP from computer and related devices. It seems logical that theft of IP directly from the mind of individuals (For instance, copying directly from neurological processes) is the next step in IP offences that should be described and researched. For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers Please click on: For more articles on Open Access Peer Reviewed High Impact Factor journals   Please click on link:

Modern Medicine and Surgery: Physics and War_ Crimson Publishers

Modern Medicine and Surgery: Physics and War by Simon Raymond* in Crimson Publishers: Annals of Medicine and Surgery This publication discusses recent research by the current author. There are both aspects of research in that some is able to be viewed as clinically relevant already such as the new generation immunization program (References ) and the need to check mind related programs (Example I) that have occurred during the war type climate to ensure they provide the quality information that medical research funding agencies expect when used on the description of medical research. and some is in some ways futuristic but still able to be understood as perhaps coming into clinical relevance including the increasing consideration of the need to distinguish a difference (and whether there is a difference) between micro-organism awareness and that of a macro-being and why it should (if it should) still be viewed as appropriate for doctors to use antimicrobials. Furthermore, protect

Beating Round the Bush! _ Crimson Publishers

Beating Round the Bush! By Ahmed N Ghanem* in Crimson Publishers: Journal of Surgery and Medicine Having read with interest Richard Smith’s editorial based on the BMJ survey and the lively debates on “Why are doctors so unhappy?” [1], one wonders if the roots of the problem and its solution remain overlooked while all are just beating round the bush. What has been said so far may have just succeeded in identifying the ill effects and manifestations of the problem: unhappy sick profession and discontented public with a falling apart MOH that was once one of the prides of the British system. I believe all doctors owe it to a single man who has identified and addressed the real problem. So, I am asking all: “Hats off, please, and bow to this man” Professor Fischer et al. [2] who has the courage to tell the bitter truth about the current status of medicine in USA. He has not only given a personal perspective but also an inside witness’s account that audit the system of “ Phase

Crushed Jaw Fracture in a Patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia_ Crimson Publishers

Crushed Jaw Fracture in a Patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia by Bruno Da Silva Gaspar*, John Kleber Sales De Castro, Rafael Linard Avelar and Bruno Frota Amora Silva in Crimson Publishers: Surgery Journal Impact Factor Cleidocranial Dysplasia is a rare congenital syndrome that presents a wide range of expressions. This condition can affect the bones of both the endochondral and intramembranous origins, resulting in generalized skeletal disorders. The skeletal manifestations of this syndrome tend to cause important changes in the skull, spine and teeth of affected individuals. This paper reports a rare case of a 45-year-old patient with Cleidocranial Dysplasia with a fractured mandibular angle after a domestic accident, which was attended at Waldemar Alcantara General Hospital (HGWA) For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers Please click on: For more articles on Su

Tubular Adenoma of the Breast: A Rare Case Presentation and Review of Literature_ Crimson Publishers

Tubular Adenoma of the Breast: A Rare Case Presentation and Review of Literature by Emmanuel Owusu Ofori* in Crimson Publishers: Surgery Open Access Journal Tubular adenomas are a rare breast entity constituting 0.3-1.7% of all benign tumours first described in 1968 typically affecting women in their reproductive ages (15-49 years). Few cases have been reported in the literature. They are rarely found before menarche or after menopause. Preoperatively, tubular adenomas are difficult to differentiate from fibroadenoma, phyllodes and tubular carcinoma. We report the case of a 25-year-old female who reported to our clinic with 4-month history of painless left breast mass which had not seen any significant changes in size. Histological findings were consistent with tubular adenoma. For more open access journals in Crimson Publishers Please click on: For more articles on Surgery O